Thursday, March 19, 2020

I never realized that @kingdiamond was in @metalocalypse

What to do while civilization ends

20 regular-sized gizmos, ready to regulate some voltage.

TIL that if you order 20 gizmos, they might be on one board a mega-gizmo that need to be snapped apart into individual pieces.

Got my shipment of the rona straight from China

In case you were wondering, not all of the stupid people are dead yet, but for some reason they believe that over 9000 people worldwide have died so that martial law can be implemented (any second now)

Starting to see messages like this now.

Full agreement

It's not about you, dummy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Only real stable geniuses would know this.

Great. Internatz is down now. At least my old office desktop can handle portal 2.

Just don't ask for a living wage, though.

They will not find my corpse without traces of junk food in it. Also, who is the marketing department trying to remind that they renamed the packaging here?

Got a thermometer? How would you even know if you are actually ill?

Great again, right?


From Adam Matza. Think about it, would you take a $1000 loan that you have to pay taxes on later?


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