Saturday, December 21, 2019


Seven fucking degrees is pretty shocking when you've been holed up in the terminal all day

Next year, I'll be more prepared for holiday travel

Not - being - ironic shorts guy

Sometimes, a man has to take home decor in hand

Makes perfect sense

Kids are even funnier when they're dressed for cold weather

One of the two flights to DH today is already canceled. Looks like we have a late entry for trip of the year.

Dreadful. It's warmed up to 9 degrees, I left the line for coffee and it hasn't moved.

No baggage already, now I might not even have time to check in before my probably weather - delayed flight. #thisisfinešŸ”„


Friday, December 20, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

WTFing hipster sink is this all about?

Happy holidays!

I don't want this person teaching anyone anything

Somebody done stolded the power cable from the TV. I did mention that I was in Tampa, right?

First Lyft vehicle I've been in with barf bags. I am in Tampa during waking hours so I can appreciate the need.


"man on the moon" again. Baby-person sitting on dad's lap in front of me has a shirt with fake suspenders.

It's just not possible here in homophobia-land, but some photojournalist needs to document the silly ways that men stand while using a urinal. #onehandonthehiptoday


Won't be talking that shit with a broken jaw. #makeasswhoopinsgreatagain


Tried to get in here before the warden put the froot loops away. Failed.


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